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National Gallery of Art Closes in 28 minutes

National Gallery of Art


The National Gallery of Art, and its attached Sculpture Garden, is a national art museum in

Location: National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., DC, United StatesWebsite: https://wiloke.com/Phone: 1234 565 7859
Kennedy Space Center Closes in 28 minutes

Kennedy Space Center


About one hour from Orlando, on Florida’s Space Coast, Kennedy Space Center’s admission price is

Location: Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Brevard County, FL, United StatesWebsite: https://www.kennedyspacecenter.comPhone: 1 866 737 5235
The Getty Center Closes in 28 minutes

The Getty Center


The Getty Center, in Los Angeles, California, is a campus of the Getty Museum and other programs of

Location: Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesWebsite: https://wiloke.com/Phone: 1 310 440 7300
USS Midway Museum Closes in 28 minutes

USS Midway Museum


From 1945 to the First Gulf War on 1991, the USS Midway was one of America’s longest-serving

Location: USS Midway Museum, North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA, United StatesWebsite: http://www.midway.orgPhone: 00 1234 567 8910
The Saenger Theatre Closes in 28 minutes

The Saenger Theatre


Designed by Emile Weil, the Saenger Theatre was built by Julian Saenger in 1927 for the theretofore

Location: Saenger Theatre, Canal Street, New Orleans, LA, United StatesWebsite: http://www.saengernola.com/Phone: 001 850 595 3880
Chickie Wah Wah Closes in 28 minutes

Chickie Wah Wah


Just off the streetcar line in the mostly residential Mid-City neighborhood, Chickie Wah Wah --

Location: 2828 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, USA

One Eyed Jacks


The ornate walls of One Eyed Jacks' 300-odd-capacity showroom are edged with scarlet sparkle-vinyl

Location: Chicago, IL, United StatesWebsite: http://www.oneeyedjacks.net/Phone: 504 569 8361
Historical Steps Closes in 28 minutes

Historical Steps


Squeeze into a booth at this Madison diner that looks like it was imported from a slightly more

Location: Seoul, South KoreaWebsite: https://wiloke.com/Phone: 1234 567 8910
Sketching Shanghai Closes in 28 minutes

Sketching Shanghai


Squeeze into a booth at this Madison diner that looks like it was imported from a slightly more

Location: Shanghai, ChinaWebsite: https://wiloke.com/Phone: 1234 567 8910